Friday, January 7, 2011

Congrats to the Pride!

Congratulations to all the band members for their hard work this year! They were invited to march in the inauguration parade for our new governor. What an accomplishment and a great honor for them! The last time our band was invited to the inauguration parade was back in 1963.

The parade will be in Montgomery on Monday, January 17th, which is also a holiday. The kids will be out of school and Ian will be off work.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Todd congrats for me & that I got to play for one of our governors once & even shook his hand. He came up to dedicate the new addition to the paper mill & we were the chosen band for entertainment. It wasn't as exciting as a parade but it was neat. The kids will always remember that they got to do that. Super cool!! :0)