Sunday, January 23, 2011

I like big butts and I cannot lie . . .

So . . . um . . . I made some Rhodes rolls.

They're the new fav at my house.

They're buttery, beautiful, and you can't eat just one.

I have to limit myself to how often I buy them, because . . . well . . . they're buttery, beautiful, and you can't eat just one.

I had half a bag left, and I thought they would go nicely with chicken and dumplings.

The tricky thing is you have to let them rise for several hours before cooking.

OR, you can do the quick rise method, which takes only 1 hour or so.

You have to be very careful with the 'or so' part.

I found that out tonight.

I usually cook these in my 9x12 glass baking dish, but it was still in the fridge with some OH SO DELICIOUS apple struesel bars in it.

I decided to use a different method suggested on the back of the bag.

A muffin pan. Easy enough. I have one of those.

The directions say to put two rolls in each muffin cup.

I did that. No problem.

I followed the directions for the quick rise method.

The directions also say 'Let dough rise about 1 hour, until double in size. Watch closely so dough does not rise too high'.

Hmmm . . . . it was kinda hard to tell in the muffin cups.

After the rising process was finished, I started baking these lovely, scrumptious, slap-yo-mama-good rolls.

And this is what I ended up with.

When I pulled them out of the oven, Matt said, "Those look like butts."

I thought the very same thing.

I must have taught my children something good somewhere along the way, because later, he came up with a much nicer, G-rated, less crude name.

Chef Hat Buns.

1 comment:

bamagirl said...

Oh my Miranda, that was just the laugh I needed!