Friday, January 21, 2011

The Girl's Princess Hair

If anyone knows my girl very well, they know she doesn't let me do much with her hair.

And on the off chance that she lets me give her a ponytail, braids, or a bow . . . .

it doesn't last very long.

Some days she won't even let me brush her hair.

Just yesterday I tried to brush her hair before going to maw maw's house.

She told me, "No. Maw Maw will brush my hair for me."

The stinker.

She'll let Maw Maw fix her hair, but not her own mother.

Go figure.

So today, I convinced her to let me give her a 'princess' do.

It took some convincing . . . .

and putting the chair where she could watch Dora while I fixed her hair . . . .

but I finally got it done.

And she has left it alone . . . . . . . so far.

Here's my pretty princess with her pretty princess hair.

This is called the Triple French Braids & Piggies. I have about 6 shots to post, but Blogger is STILL being a pain in my ASTABEULA!!!

You can go here to see much better photos of this style. This gal does some pretty amazing stuff with her daughter's hair.

I'm so jealous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Cute. I love it!! I am very surprised that she let you do it. Maybe she will let you more often. :0)