Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Lets face it . . . . . I'm TERRIBLE at keeping resolutions.

Oh, I'm good at making them.

I can make a list a mile long.

But crossing off that list . . . .  well . . . . it just doesn't happen.

I'm very easily distracted.

It has something to do with having four children, a husband, a crazy-arse dog, school, and a house in desperate need of repair.

Ok. Fine. It's me. It's all me. I've never been good at following through.

BUT! (Is my but too big? Bahahaha! I crack myself up! No pun intended.) 

See? Easily distracted.


Anywho, I just couldn't let the year start without making some kind of goal for the new year.

I decided to go with a family goal so that I'll have to be accountable to someone other than myself.

*Drum roll please . . . . . . 

We're going to read the Book of Mormon as a family.

I know this isn't anything new, and it's something we should have done long before now, but this is another one of those things that we start and never finish.

So, this year WE'RE GONNA FINISH!

I came across a cute and fun way to keep us motivated. You can find it  here.

We've done pretty well so far.

At first, the kids weren't too excited about the idea. They usually give us a hard time about reading, but they all want to read more than our '2 verses per person', and by the time we reach the end of the chapter, they're checking to see how long the next one is. More than once one of the kids has said, "Lets keep going. We can knock out another chapter."  I enjoy a little inside chuckle at that point.

Hmmm . . . for little people who make such a big deal about NOT wanting to read, they have a hard time wanting to stop.

I love it.

1 comment:

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Love this post. I am so going to check that link out.