Sunday, October 26, 2008

Warning----contents may explode when subjected to extreme stress.

I think I've beaten my previous record for length of time in sacrament meeting before leaving because my children can't behave.

We actually made it on time with 10 min. to spare. We've been doing much better in that area. Everyone was fully dressed, shoes on, shirts tucked, hair brushed(with the exception of Lauren not keeping her barrette in her hair-oh, well), and scriptures located. I even managed to pack a snack bag for Lauren.

I marched my little crew in, found a place to sit, and attempted to get everyone settled and ready for sacrament to start. Zack immediately started in with his usual laying down on the pew. Todd put Lauren's blanket on his head, and Matt was turned around talking to the person behind us. I grabbed the blanket, told Zack to sit up and tried to get Matt to turn back around and face the front. Zack still wouldn't sit up so I decided the best thing to do is ignore him and go ahead with singing the opening song. Zack and Todd were still being irreverent(talking, giggling, Zack still laying down) so I gave them 'the poke and shhhh'. The next thing I knew Todd spit in Zack's eye! I was soooo ticked! I marched my crew right back out before the opening song was over.

We tried to hang out in the classroom that has a speaker so we could hear the meeting but I was so fuming mad I couldn't see straight and I didn't want to be cooped up in a little room with 4 kids. We ended up right back home where Todd and Zack are banished to their room to clean for the rest of the day. They've lost other privileges for the next week plus, I get to invoke the use of child labor around my house for a few days. They already have their regular chores but now they get to do mine, too. MUWAHAHA!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I am . . .

I am… tired. I think…of my family first. I want… a better quality of life. I have… many blessings to be thankful for. I miss… my sister and friends I've lost touch with. I fear… death (and really BIG spiders!). I feel… exhausted all the time. I hearLauren playing with a toy. I smell…a stinky diaper. I crave… diet dr. pepper and chocolate. I cry… when I'm really mad. I search… for who I want to be someday. I wonder… who my kids will grow up to be. I regret… taking things for granted. I wish… I could save the world. I love… a good book. I care… what others think of me. I always… do what needs to be done. I never… leap before I look. I worry… about everything. I am not… even-tempered. I remember… when I didn't have any worries. I believe… there are better days ahead . I sing… when I'm in a good mood. I don’t always… do what other people tell me to do. I argue… with myself a lot. I write… not as much as I'd like to. I lose… lose? I'd like to lose weight! . I listen… when my kids call me. I can usually be found… at home. I forget… what I'm doing sometimes . I am happy… when I have chocolate and a diet dr. pepper!. Thanks Brooke and Megan for this Post idea!!

Lauren's 1st Birthday

Ok, so I'm a little late in posting this one. Exactly 4 months late, but better late than never. She had a Strawberry Shortcake pool party with lots of family.

Here's Miss Lauren with her own personal cake Maw Maw made for her. It says 'Tootie' on it which is Maw Maw's nickname for her. Dummy me didn't get a picture of the big cake before it was cut.
Here she is finally digging into the cake but not quite the way we had in mind.

Now the fun part. Presents!!! My baby is growing too fast! :o(

Monday, October 13, 2008

Go Dogs Go!

Zack is playing football this year and Ian is his coach. It's such a hoot watching these little guys out there on the field. Most of the time the coaches have to position the players where they need to be. At Zack's last game he kinda sorta tackled his own teammate. Oops! It was so funny. But between him tackling his teammate and his teammate tackling the opponent, they managed to get the other kid down. Zack's team won 26-0. They are undefeated so far. Oh, and the cheerleaders are too cute.

Here are a few pictures from their opening day game. The blond cheerleader next to Zack in the last picture is the one he had a big crush on last year in K4. He even asked her to marry him. I don't think it worked out. ;o)

I'm back

I thought I'd give this another shot. I look forward to catching up with friends and family.