Friday, July 24, 2009

July 4th

So I'm a little behind, I know. Better late than never, right? The annual Gregson family July 4th gathering was held at Rock Ford. I think we had a pretty good turn-out, not as big as it used to be, but still a good one.

The icy cold creek. Matt (perched on the rocks) looks like he's trying to decide whether or not he wants to get in.

The grown-ups who are too scaredy-cat to get in the freezing water. Ok, fine. I didn't get in either.

Miss Lauren and her watermelon.

Wading in the 'little water'.

I think she's ready to float down the river.

It's hard to believe this used to be us a few short years ago.

My four wet, tired, possibly hungry, and mad at me because it's time to go, chickens.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lauren update

I figured I better take the time to write this down somewhere before I forget. Lauren has hit the 2's wide open, but aside from all the trouble she gets into, she's also saying lots of new things all the time.

A couple of days ago I was making scrambled eggs for breakfast. She pushed a chair up to the cabinet to watch what I was doing. She saw the uncooked eggs in the pan and said, "Ewwww, gross!". It didn't keep her from eating them though.

The same day, I heated up some leftover chicken pot pie that my mother-in-law sent home with us. Same thing, "Ewww, gross!", over and over again. Sorry, dear. I didn't mean to gross you out.

Later that evening, some peppy music came on on the show we were watching and she said, "Wow, awesome!".

And the one I think is the cutest: Yesterday she followed me into the bathroom like she always does. She's in the very early stages of being interested in potty-training and thinks she needs to flush the potty for whoever is using the potty. She jibber-jabbered something I didn't understand, but I did catch the word 'flush' in there. I asked her if she wanted to flush the potty and she said, "Yes, sir." LOL! I guess she picked that up from mom and dad having to correct the brothers all the time. At least someone around here is learning some manners!

And poor Jack . . . . she thinks he belongs to her, but I'm almost positive he has other ideas. He tolerates her pretty well, thankfully.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp

This past week we had the opportunity to go to day camp with our pack. This is the first time any of us---scouts and adults---had ever been to day camp. The theme this year was CSI: Cub Scout Investigations.

Here is the whole group minus those of us who were behind the cameras. We had a few Boy Scouts helping out. They did a great job teaching the cubs scouts songs and games.

Huddling up after playing tag football.

Learning to shoot BB guns.

Leather working.

Webelos learning CPR for their Readyman badge.

More tag football. (Same day. I'm just being lazy and didn't put the pictures in order.)

Todd and Zack learning a new song. I think this one was Baby Shark.

Zack planting his tomato seeds. He's not a cub scout yet, but he was able to go with us and do activities with the Wolves. They went to a local nursery on this day.

Here is Todd getting ready to drive the obstacle course wearing special goggles that impair your vision to simulate what things might look like if you're drunk.

Here's my pack on the last day of camp.

I didn't post all of the pictures because there are just too many. They had so many great activities---the drug dogs did a demonstration one day, a 911 operator came and talked to the boys, finger-printing and dusting for prints another day, and the Sheriff came one day. Ian and Todd camped out with the Webelos one night. I didn't get to go every day so I missed some of it, like archery, and I wish I had taken pictures of the drug dogs, but my camera was dying. I know they all had a great time and can't wait til next year.