Monday, June 29, 2009

Crazy week!

What a week it has been! If you're on Facebook with me then you know what we've been up to. Aside from all the usual craziness that goes on in our house, we've had 2 injuries, 2 trips to the ER, and countless moments of frustration because my lovely daughter gets into anything and everything she can possibly find to get into. I think everyone around here thinks I'm their personal maid.

First injury---Lauren's black eye. It's healing nicely. It's still pretty bruised but it's starting to change colors. I still don't know exactly what happened.

Second injury & ER trips---Matt's head. A wooden plaque fell off the wall and hit him on the head. He has a small gash that is trying to heal, but the child doesn't sit perfectly still all the time so he's had a couple of bumps that has caused it to bleed a little. One of those bumps was enough for a return trip to the ER.

I can't even list everything 'the girl' manages to get into in a day's time. I really don't remember the boys getting into the trouble that she gets into, or rather, making the nonstop messes that she makes. They've definitely had their moments, but this child gets into everything from squirting the handsoap in the bathroom all over the counter to emptying the Brita all over fridge and the floor. Every time I turn around she has managed to make another mess. It's insane! I'm insane. You may wonder where am I when she's making these messes? Why, cleaning up her previous mess, of course. I'm telling you, it's never ending.

Calgon . . . . . .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hi everyone! LDS author, Anne Bradshaw has a new giveaway going on over on her blog. Kersten Campbell, also an LDS author, is giving away a copy of her new book, Confessions of a Completely (In)Sane Mother. Go check it out!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lauren's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe my girl is 2. Where did my little, tiny baby go? She finally has hair and almost all of her baby teeth. She just barely had her 1st tooth by her 1st birthday and hardly any hair. They change so fast, don't they?

Here's my nearly toothless baby tasting her 1st birthday cake last year.

And here she is at her birthday party this year. Where did the curls come from?

Chocolate cake! The girl loves chocolate. She gets that from me. :o) Don't tell her dad, though.

Ah, the presents. The boys were more excited about present opening time than she was.

But when she saw what was inside . . . . . well, have you ever seen a boy excited about clothes and shoes? She had to put them on, of course. Zack----her brother in waiting, or knight in shining armor, or something like that.

What more could a girl ask for? Clothes, shoes, and wheels. And she doesn't even have to pedal!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Camping with the Grandparents

The kids have gone camping with my parents every year since we moved back. Once the date is set, this is all they talk about for weeks leading up to the trip. Matt was so excited about the camping trip this year that he packed his backpack about a month early. This is also the first year they were able to camp in a camper instead of a tent. That was probably a good thing since it rained almost every day they were there.

Here are a few shots of the kids my dad sent me.

Todd---what can I say?

Matt climbing the rock wall at the playground.

Here's little miss Lauren already soaked from rain on the very first day of the camping trip. She didn't mind though. From what I hear, they spent a lot of time playing in water puddles.

I'm not sure who's having more fun here. Looks like Matt had a little wreck in the background.

My little fishermen. They wanted so badly to catch something but didn't have any luck because of all the rain.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy 15th Anniversay!

I meant to post this yesterday but I'm scatterbrained and always sidetracked. I honestly can't believe Ian & I have been married for 15 years. We dated for 2 years before that so we've been together for 17 years. Once again, I'M FEELING REALLY OLD. As my loving husband would tell me, "You ARE old, woman. You're, like, older than dinosaurs, man." Thanks dear, I love you too. But see, he's older than me, so that makes him REALLY, REALLY old. :oP

Here we are at Ian's senior prom in 1992. Look how young (and skinny) we are. And what was up with that hair? Whoa!

Aww . . . the wedding day, June 3, 1994. So young and clueless. So full of expectations and optimism. Again, what was up with my hair?

And here we are today; older, wiser(maybe), and full of zeal(not really) and life experience. And, for the last time, what is up with my hair?!?!

Happy 15th Anniversary, my little honey bunches of oats! How have we put up with each other this long? I love you. Really I do.

(If anyone can tell me how to get rid of the underlining at the beginning of my post, I'm all ears, or eyes. I don't know what's going on with that. I haven't had that problem before.)