Thursday, March 26, 2009

LDS Author Anne Bradshaw Giveaway

LDS author, Anne Bradshaw, has a contest going on this week. She's giving away a Celtic Music CD by Fiddlesticks. Go check it out! Click here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I want a refund

Matt came running into our bedroom this morning wearing a red and blue Blue's Clues mitten (aka-glove or 'gwuv' in Matt speak) on one hand. This is the conversation that followed.

Me: "What are you wearing?"
Matt: "This is my 'power gwuv' because it can do all sorts of things."
Me: "Since it's your 'power gwuv' can it make breakfast?"
Matt: "No. It doesn't have a breakfast button."

Now what, I ask you, is the use of having a 'power gwuv' if it can't even make breakfast?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"What if the Book of Mormon had been written by Dr. Seuss?"

Someone posted this on the LDSmoms group and I had to share. :o)

"What if the Book of Mormon had been written by Dr. Seuss?"

Nephi: Of goodly parents I was born
I've never drunk, I've never sworn
This is Lehi, he's my dad
Laman, Lemuel, they are bad
And who is this? Why this is Sam
Yes, this is Sam;
Sam: Sam I am
Laman: That Sam I am, that Sam I am
I do not like that Sam I am
Sam: In a tent, my father dwelt
Laman: And it's so hot, I think I'll melt
Lemuel: Our father's brain is out of whack
Laman: Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back
Lehi: Then go and get the plates my dear
Laman: On second thought, I'm staying here
Nephi: You said you'd leave and go away
Now all you want to do is stay?
Lemuel: That Nephi always gets his way
Laman: Here we are in this damp cave
Sam: We would not be here if you'd behave
Nephi: I will go and I will do
There's the angel, that's my cue
Laban's had too much to drink
Now he'll lose his head, I think
Nephi: Look what I found, a brother from the quorum
Sam: We will take him home, we will call him Zoram
Lemuel: Oh great, another pathetic life form
Laman: Our gold and silver we have spent
I do not like it in this tent
Lemuel: I cannot read the Liahona
I must have drunk too much Corona
Laman: We hate it here, we have no lives
Lehi: Then go back to the city and get some wives
Lehi: A tree, a tree, I see a tree
The fruit is white, the fruit is free
A floating building, could it be?
Why do they laugh and stare at me?
Laman, Lemuel, come and see.
Laman: We will not eat your precious fruit
Lemuel: We will not wear a tie and suit
Laman: We will not help you build your boat
Lemuel: We do not think that it will float
Laman: No not this boat, it will not float
Not even in a shallow moat
I do not care what Nephi wrote
Lemuel: We will not eat your fruit I say
Laman: We will not eat it on a tray
Lemuel: And we won't eat it in a tent
Not even if your clothes you rent
Laman: We'd rather have a can of spam
L & L: We will not eat it, Sam I am
Sam: You do not like it, so you say
Try it, try it, and you may
Try it and you may I say
Laman: Sam, if you will let us be,
We will try it, you will see
L&L: Say, we like this fruit of life
Sorry that we caused such strife
You've saved us from an awful jam
Thank you, thank you, Sam I am.

Whew! What if it really was written this way?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pinewood Derby

We had our Pack Derby and the District Derby Saturday. Let me tell you, I stressed and stressed and stressed over this car. Ian actually started on different one a couple of months back but it wasn't coming along like he wanted it to. We didn't have anything to cut out the pattern with so we tried to find a simple pattern that would be easy to do. After several ideas and starting over with a new kit, we finally ended up with this.

A Wii remote. How cool is that?! I found the idea online ONE DAY BEFORE the derby. Told you I was stressing this car.

This is a shot of all my Scout's cars. They all did a great job. I can't wait to see what they come up with next year. We had 3 out of five cars win some kind of District award. The #24 car won Coolest Paint. The Alabama car(2nd from the right) won Best Team Spirit and also won 2nd place in the Bear Division race. And Todd's won 1st place in the Bear Division race. We were so shocked. We had no idea it would do so well. Especially since he came in 3rd in our pack race. We didn't even have time to add any weight to it. His car also won Most Original in our Pack.

Here's my guy with his 1st place trophy and other awards. YAY, TODD!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm not a proud mama or anything. :o)

***Megan--I had to borrow your picture from your blog because he didn't look very happy in the one I took.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Zack!

Today is Zack's 6th birthday. Whew! We finally made it through the birthday bunch! He opened his presents with Todd on Saturday. Somehow, completely and totally unplanned, he ended up with all Ben 10 presents. Well, except for one.

Here's his Ben 10 Alien Creator from Maw Maw & Paw Paw. It's very cool. I wish I had pictures showing how it works. It's a pretty neat little gadget. He loves it. Matt does too---shhhhh. Well, what little brother doesn't think big brother's toys are cool?

Here's his Ben 10 watch. It's pretty cool too. It's sort of view finder slash projector. It has little discs like a view finder that slide under the watch face. Push the button on the side, a light comes on, and TADA!---it projects different images onto the wall. . . or ceiling. . . or little brother's face when he's trying to go to sleep. Turn the disc to change the image. Very cool. Except when he tries to show you the light without a disc in it. Man that thing is bright!

Ok, his only non-Ben 10 gift---flashcards for school. That's mom being practical. Fine, fine---boring then. How's that?

Here goes the Ben 10 stuff again----a tshirt. Notice a pattern here? All 3 boys got a new tshirt of some sort.

On to the food portion of our segment. Zack chose spaghetti with rotini noodles instead of regular spaghetti noodles and garlic bread. For his dessert it had to be CHOCOLATE! He picked yellow funfetti cake with chocolate funfetti icing.

Oh, and SPRINKLES! Ok, there is one without sprinkles. That one belongs to dad because he'd rather not have sprinkles(party pooper).

And lastly----this is what happens when we have any kind of chocolatey goodness in the house. BTW, she'd just had a bath. Yep, had to bathe her again.

I love my boys but I'm SO glad I don't have to get back on the birthday train till June. :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Todd!

Yesterday was Todd's 10th birthday. I'm feeling really, really, REALLY old now. Ok, maybe only moderately old. He chose tacos for supper and red velvet cupcakes for his dessert.

We decided to let him open gifts on Saturday. Here he is with a Star Wars: Clone Wars t-shirt. I wish I could've found a short-sleeved one because it's starting to warm up here. But he still wears it, warm or not. He even wore it today on his birthday trip with my parents and it's supposed to be in the 70's.

This is a Bakugan set he's been BEGGING for. Maybe not this specific set, but just Bakugan in general. He has several others. They're actually kinda cool. They're small and easily hidden in pockets so I have to do a pat down before he goes to church or scouts because he'll sneak them wherever we go.

Another of his favorites----BIONICLE. This is from Maw Maw and Paw Paw. I had no idea how long it could take to put one of these things together. He has others but they were second-hand and already put together. Todd put the 'man' together in about 20 minutes. Ian helped him with the spaceship yesterday. They finally emerged from the bedroom about 3 hours later. Whew! Better dad than me!

My parents gave Todd a really cute card that puts turning 10 into perspective very nicely. He thought it was funny so I thought I'd share it here.

10 Great New Things You Can Do As a Ten-Year-Old:

1. Eat ten pieces of cake. (One for each year, right?)
2. Brag about blowing out ten candles. (Nine is, like, for amateurs.)
3. Count your age using all of your fingers. (That pinky's been waiting for this day.)
4. Say "Oh, oops, that was SO nine of me." (Especially fun around younger kids.)
5. Kiss those single-digit days good-bye. (Hasta la vista, little numeros!)
6. Remind everyone you're only six years away from a driver's license. (Is there a speed limit for growing up?)
7. . . . and only one "e" away from being a TEEN. (TeEN! See?)
8. Have everyone address you as "Your X-cellence." (A Roman numeral you can actually use.)
9. Celebrate being a decade old. (The best thing that happened to the nineties was ME!)
10. And finally . . . enjoy being a perfect ten! (Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.)

Ok, so NOW I'm feeling really, really, REALLY old again. ;o)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Today is Matt's 4th birthday. I can't believe he's 4 already. What's worse is I'll have a 10 y.o. and a 6 y.o. over the next week and 1/2. I'm feeling really old lately. Since all 3 boys have their birthday in March, we usually have one big party. This year we decided to scale things back a bit and celebrate each day separately. We let the boys choose what we'd cook for supper on their day. They were worried we wouldn't have cake since we weren't having a party so we let them choose a dessert too. All 3 of them picked cake so it looks like we'll be eating lots of cake over the next week or two. :o)

Matt picked chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I thought I was getting a shot of him blowing the candles out but I missed. We actually did the cake part last night. Ian made the cake early so there wouldn't be so much to do today. Matt decided he wanted his cake last night. Fine by me! I really needed some chocolate. :o)

Here's Matt with his Monster Trucks--Monster Mutt & Donkey Kong. He's a big fan of Monster Jam.

He's very proud of his WALL*E t-shirt. That is such cute movie. I didn't get a picture of him holding his last gift from us but he also got some puzzle flashcards.

And, of course, the gift from maw maw & paw paw. It's a talking Handy Manny tool box. It's very cute but kinda LOUD. The tools sing and move up and down in the tool box.

I had to throw this one in just for fun. Do you think she likes chocolate? Poor gal gets it honestly. :o)