Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trunk-or-Treat and a little bit of football

Yay! We made it through! As wiped out as I am I'm surprised I'm even bothering with this tonight. But I know me, ' miss procrastinator', and it might be next month before I get to this if I don't get it out of the way now.

My little motley crew standing on the grandparents' porch. We had to stop by there so they could see the costumes. Todd is a Grim Reaper/Skeleton-something-or-other. Zack is a Jedi. Matt is Elmo 'going to the beach', which is why he's in shorts and flip flops. You can't see the flip flops, but you get the visual. Lauren is a 'I-don't-want-my-picture-taken' Witch. Thankfully I only had to pay for Lauren's hat, which was only $0.69, and maw maw made her pants because the dress was a little too short. Everything else was leftovers. :o)

Elmo with his stash.

The Witch eating her stash.

I'm not quite sure what this is, but I called him a Werewolf-Clown-Farmer. He had big monster hands on and glow sticks in his 'fro'. Sorry---can't see the glow sticks because I had to use my flash, but they were VERY cool.

Witches were popular tonight. This one was too cute. Her grandma made her entire costume. I'm jealous.

This Witch was excited to be there and wanted to make sure I knew here hair wasn't really pink.

When I asked this lovely princess if I could take a picture of her dress, she gave me the perfect princess pose. Look at the delicate placement of her hand. Very princessy!


For the record, I've never been more happy to see a football season come to an end. I don't do well with sports.

Since this was Todd's last game, I figured I better get some pictures. I kept forgetting to bring my camera to his other games when I didn't have the little brother or sister in tow. Can you guess which one is him? Hint: In the back. He's the tallest one on his team.

Yay, he's finally in the game! Look. He's about a head taller than the rest of the players. What am I gonna do with him in a couple of years when I have to look up to lecture him?

He was NOT happy with me taking his picture. I tried to get something more formal and football-y-like before the game, but he gave me the 'tude'. I dropped the subject and went to sit down. Don't you just love pre-teen hormones?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Here I go again . . .

I'm referring to procrastinating. I hate that word. I hate that I do it . . . . a lot. *sigh*

Here we are the Monday before Halloween, and 2 days before Trunk-or-Treat at church. Do my kids have costumes? Lauren has a partial costume. Do I have money for costumes? No. Do I have materials at home to throw something together for the boys that they will be happy with? Maybe. Maybe not. *sigh*

Every year I promise myself that I'm not going to wait until the last minute to figure out costumes. But I do it anyway.

And, you know, this just tells you exactly what my entire holiday season will be like. Last minute. Stress. Hating the holidays to the point of not wanting to deal with any of it. Whining. Complaining. *sigh*

And the stores don't make it any easier on me, either. They put out the Christmas stuff earlier and earlier every year. Pretty soon they'll have it out around July 4th.

Ugh. It's starting all over again.

I asked Ian last night if I could hide under the blankets until January. He said yes, but I don't see it happening.

I think I need some Calgon. And chocolate. And a fluffy pillow.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Homecoming Parade

Here's how things shaped up this year.

What? J.U. Blacksher High School's Homecoming Parade.
When? Saturday-October 17th
Where? The usual route. We stood in front of the school.
Why? Cuz it's fun and you gets lots of candy. :o)
2009 Theme? Shake, Rattle, 'n' Roll.
Weather? A little on the cool and windy side, but it's October, and it NEEDS to start cooling off around here.

This is Zack and his friend, Peyton(JB Wilkins' son for any of you who remember JB), waiting for the parade to start. The kids were supposed to dress 50's style. You can't really tell much because everyone is trying to stay warm.

Here's Matt waiting for the parade to start.

And here's the wild cat waiting for the parade.

This is a shot of part of Todd's class float.

The Kindergarten float. They did a great job. Look at the detail! I'm glad I'm wasn't the one stuffing the tissue paper in the chicken wire for the skirting. It's looks great though.

Zack's class float---1st grade. I missed helping out. They were finished before I had a free day to help. It turned out cute.

The 2nd grade float. Most classes went with a 50's theme because of the song, but I liked seeing the different ideas others came up with.

The 4th grade float---Tow Truck. Another cool idea not following the 50's theme. It say's "Shake 'Em Up and Tow 'Em Home" on the side.
Todd's class float--5th grade - "Bulldogs Drive-in to a Victory."

Todd throwing dad some candy.

Hey, Megan! Even Elvis made an appearance. This is the 3rd grade float.

There he is again! Sorry you missed him, Megan.

This is where Lauren stayed during most of the parade. She had a little stash of candy and sat down and happily munched away. She didn't care anything about the band, floats, or anything else that was going on.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Squat rocks and such

This post may seem random because I'm playing catch-up again. I'm the queen of procrastination. But I really don't think that's a good thing to be queen of. Here goes . . .

We finally have eggs! Yay!!! After waiting and waiting and more waiting, our ducks and chickens have finally started producing eggs, which is our whole reason for having them. It sure isn't because I like having poop all over my yard.

Look at these beauties! The large white ones are duck eggs, the brown ones are our standard chicken eggs, and the little white ones are bantam eggs. We usually get at least one duck egg, 2-3 brown eggs, and one bantam egg per day. Not too shabby.

Ian was mowing the grass a couple of weeks ago and I heard Lauren start to cry (of course she has to be outside with dad) so I went to check on her. I opened the back door and this is what I found. Apparently she stumbled across an ant bed and went to dad for help. I was impressed. :o)

Scout stuff:

Our cub scout pack went to visit a local museum this past week. I had no idea this little gem was practically in our back yard (seriously, it's right across the cotton field from my house).

It was put together by one of our scouts' grandma and she has done a wonderful job with it. The museum is actually a combination of three old houses put together and is the home of quite a collection of antiques and memorabilia.

Here's our motley crew on the front steps of the museum before they were given the grand tour.

A few of the antique telephones on display.

I'm sure glad my iron is the plug-in kind. :o)

I think Grandma Gregson had one like this.

And old butter churn and some aprons. We were also shown some butter presses. I wish I had taken a picture of those. They were really neat.

More scout stuff:

Here are my 3 little Tiger Cubs showing off the leaves they collected for our leaf rub project. These guys are 3 peas in a pod.

Here are the Tigers and Webelos donating teddy bears to the police dept. We did this service project last year and it was a hit.

The Tigers and Webelos meet the mayor. This was the same day as the bear donation. Right after this picture was taken, Zack said to the mayor, "Hey, you got any gum?". I don't think he was quite prepared for that one.

That's about it for this catch-up session. I still need to post some football pictures, but that will have to wait till another day. Ciao!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fill in the blank

I saw this on another blog I enjoy and I wondered how everyone would answer.

1. My car _____.

2. ___________ is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem ___________.

4. ___________ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened ___________.

6. ___________ is not impossible!

I still need to post the pics of the scouts going to visit the mayor. I just bought new batteries for my camera so it won't die on me while I'm trying to upload pictures. I also need to post pics from the pack meeting and the Bobcat ceremony. I'm so behind.

Don't forget to do the fill-in's. See you in the comments!