Todd is sick again, possibly strep this time. He ran fever for a couple of days last week, but no other symptoms except that he's been sleeping an awful lot. But, he's been falling asleep every afternoon for about a month now. We figured either he's staying up way past bedtime or he's going through a growth spurt. Now he's running fever again and he started complaining that his throat hurt. His tonsils are REALLY swollen, poor guy. He has a dr.'s appt. this afternoon.
We're getting another dog. He's a 4 y.o. Shiba Inu named Jack. He's very cute and not too big. A guy from church is moving and can't take Jack with him. We're also getting the kennel and doghouse which is great and saves us some money. I'll post some pics of him after we get him settled and see how he does with the kids.
Here's what one looks like. Jack looks very similar but not quite this big. And I think he has a sweeter face. The pup in the pic looks very mischievous and not too friendly. Ok, maybe a little friendly. ;o)
We've been struggling a bit with school lately. I'm having a hard time figuring out a schedule that works for us. We were doing ok for a while, but I was battling Lauren the whole time and it has gotten worse. Then I tried waiting until she took her nap to start school but she's napping later than usual and it throws our whole day off waiting until lunch to start. I'd rather start in the morning around 8:30 but it's not working for us right now. We'll get back on track eventually. I just feel like I have run by a schedule. And maybe that's part of the problem, too. But that's what I like about homeschooling. If it's not working, we have the freedom to tweak it until it does.
I've found this really cool blog, The Pioneer Woman. She is fabulous! I love her site. She has a wonderful writing style and I can always count on a good laugh. She has several different blogs in one site---cooking, home and garden, photography, homeschooling, and confessions. I love this site. Oh, I said that already, didn't I? Check it out if you get the chance. :o)