Monday, April 27, 2009

Family Home Evening

We borrowed Karolyn's idea. If you haven't read it, and you have access to her blog, go check it out.

While the kids were preoccupied, Ian told them they had 5 min. to pack what they would need to live on for 3 days. We actually planned on taking them to get ice cream. Todd and Zack went to town right away packing their backpacks. Matt spent most of his time following us around asking, "What's happening?" I kept explaining it to him but he kept on asking. Finally I reminded him that he had already packed a backpack for his camping trip with maw maw & paw paw next month(Talk about ready to go camping! LOL!). His eyes lit up and he said, "Oh, yeah!" so he took off to find his backpack.

The funny part was, just like Karolyn's hubby, Ian couldn't find his wallet. Go figure. LOL! He found it pretty quickly so we loaded up and headed out. By then the kids had decided that we must be going camping early.

I had Ian pull over in the church parking lot so we could explain to them what was going on and to find out what everyone packed. Todd brought 3 sets of clothes, pj's, his bionicle toy, and a few other favorite things. Zack brought pj's, a pull-up, and 3 sets of clothes. Matt brought (now this was what he packed for his camping trip) his bicycle helmet and pj's. He explained why he didn't bring 3 sets of clothes like his brothers did. He said he would just wear his pj's while his clothes got washed. :o)

I pointed out that no one brought food. Todd said we could eat out. I told him we would not be camping out at McDonald's. Dad piped up that we could all chew on a piece of Todd's bionicle. Mmmm, tasty. I think I'll pass. Matt still didn't quite understand that this was a drill because he said, "Oh, man! I forgot my bicycle!".

This was a good lesson for all of us. We really need to work on being more prepared. I think we'll try this again several months down the road and see how it turns out.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chicken Noodle Soup Update

The chick has been captured and safely returned to its dwelling. Still wondering what the heck I was thinking getting chickens. Also still looking for my sanity to come back. I have scouts tonight so there is most likely no chance of that happening.

Chicken Noodle Soup???

Or how about Peking Duck? Or maybe Chicken Pot Pie? What about just plain old Roasted Chicken?

What in the world was I thinking wanting chickens? One flew out when I opened the door to feed them this morning and I haven't been able to catch it to put it back in yet. Thankfully the dogs are in their pen or I'm sure they would have had themselves a little morning snack by now. I'm so frustrated right now that I'm ready to get rid of all the animals, including the dogs, because they won't stay out of trouble either. One tears up everything he can get his grubby paws on and likes to dig up my garden. The other killed a kitten yesterday. I told Ian the dogs have to go because I don't have the time or patience to clean up after children and dogs.

*sigh* Has anyone seen my sanity wondering around anywhere?

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Chicken Coop

Ok, this has nothing to do with the name of my blog and everything to do with the new home for my baby chicks and ducks, or duckwings (ducklings), as Matt calls them. We found this old playhouse in the backyard of an empty house---a beautiful house---one I wouldn't mind living in---but empty, which is why we were interested in it. And the fact that it looks like it hasn't been used as a playhouse in quite a while. Ian was able to find out who owned the house so I gave the nice gentleman a call and asked about the playhouse. He said we could have it. I offered to pay him but he wouldn't take anything for it. It needs work but we thought it would be a neat little chicken house.

Here are the before shots. It needs new paint, windows, and a door---can't be havin' no critters gettin' after my birds.

The kids are having fun playing in it while we get it ready for the chicks and ducks. We may end up having to build something for them once the birds move into this one.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I might have to add these to my side bar. He comes up with more and more funny stuff all the time. I guess it's the age.

#1---Ian made waffles for breakfast this morning. He makes them from scratch and, since we bought a stand mixer a few months ago, that's what he uses to mix the batter. After Ian finished up the batter and put the beaters in the dishwasher, Matt started plundering through one of my kitchen drawers. He pulled out the small beaters that go with the hand mixer. He said, "Uh-oh! Dad, I hate to tell you this, but your big ones shrunk!" He thought the big beaters for the stand mixer had somehow magically gotten smaller. LOL!

#2---Matt was eating some dill pickles slices earlier today. He found a seed and asked if we could plant some pickles. :o) I went around and around with him for a good 5 minutes trying to explain how we get pickles.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby Chicks, Ducks, and the Strawberry Festival

I've been neglecting my blog again. I'm good at that. We've been pretty busy lately with our new additions to the family 'farm', a visit from Aunt Megan, a trip to the Strawberry Festival and, to round off our busy week, the Gregson Family Easter Egg Hunt(but I'm a dummy and forgot my camera for that one).

Here are the new baby ducks. They were a surprise. I was expecting only chickens but I'm glad Ian bought the ducks too, because I've wanted ducks way before I wanted chickens.

They are just too cute for words! The two golden ones are Khaki Campbells. The one in the middle is a Mallard. And the one in the bottom right corner is a Black East India(we think). The guy at the supply store called it a Black Duck. They are fun to watch.

Here are some of the chicks and ducks in their 'play pen'. We have two different breeds of chicks. The ones with the white spots on their heads are called Plymouth Rocks or Barred Rocks. They'll be black and white when they are fully grown. The ones without the spots are called Australorps. They'll be all black(I think). They're supposed to be good egg layers.

Here is Aunt Megan helping Zack hold the baby Mallard. The kids call him Jr. Let's hope Jr. doesn't turn out to be a girl. On the other hand, maybe we should hope it turns out to be a girl so we can pick a different name. So far, all of the ducks have boy names---the Khaki's are Bolt and Rocket and the Black duck is called Rip. Go figure. I'm thinking we'll probably have to come up with new names for a couple of them. ;o)

This is one of the baby Australorps. This one was following Matt as he walked around the pen.

Matt really likes watching them. He and Lauren are the animal lovers out of the 4 kiddos.

Sadly we've lost one chick and one duck since we got them last Thursday. We replaced the baby duck but I decided to wait to replace the baby chick just in case any more died. So far so good. They're all doing great.

Next up---The Strawberry Festival

The festival had rides for the kiddies, lots of craft venders, good food, entertainment, and stawberries.

The main attraction for the boys was the bumper cars. As soon as they saw them, that's all they talked about. They each had their own money to spend(from helping maw maw in the garden) and this is what they wanted to do with it. Matt also road a dragon roller coaster. He said it was a little scary at first but then it was fun. :o)

Zack---I fear the day this child gets his license. I don't think I'll be giving him the keys to my car. ;o)

Todd---Maybe I should be more afraid of this one getting his license. It's only a short 6 years away (5 if you count the permit). YIKES!

Matt---He'll be the one to buy an old junker and fix it up.

Lauren and Ian on the carousel. She liked it at first but then changed her mind and dad had to hold her the rest of the ride.

I know this isn't a great shot, not even a good shot, but I love the Azalea Trail Maids. I had to have a picture even though I was too far away to bolt across the festival to get a better picture.

I really hate that I forgot to take my camera to the egg hunt. I don't even think I have a picture of Lauren in her Easter dress. Oh, well. We all know I'm crazy and scatter-brained. I'll let Megan do the Easter post.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random thoughts and adventures of the past week

1. Saturday we went to the Scout store for much needed supplies since I now have a webelo. I realize I have 4 very busy children and yes, it's a pain in the butt to take them into most any store, but it makes me even more self conscious(not to mention frustrated) to have a store associate breathing down my neck, 'trying' to be 'helpful', but rushing me out of the store at the same time. Lighten up, people. You might have made a bigger sale if you weren't so worried about my kids being in the store. Sheesh!

2. The big boy and the little boys put together a rocket and successfully launched it. I'll post the video when I get a chance.

3. Killed two pairs of jeans. Not really thrilled about it because that tells me I need get off my bum and start walking again. But a girl has to have clothes so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I was able to go shopping for a few new wardrobe items. Yay!!! I have girlie shirts again instead of ugly old t-shirts all the time.

4. A friend from church had a mishap with one of her chest freezers. The freezer was accidentally unplugged by one of their dogs and, by the time she realized what happened, most of her food was partially thawed. She called up a bunch of us moms to come get whatever we wanted. Totally stinks that it happened but COOL BEANS for us. :o)

5. We went to Super Walmart with Megan & Chris today(they came in early this morning). We actually made it through the store without any meltdowns. We also made it through lunch with no meltdowns. There ARE such things as miracles!!!! ;o) Oh, wait. I had a mini meltdown after I realized that the cashier at the restaurant shorted me $5. But it was too late to go back. I guess that was my tip since I didn't leave one in the tip jar this time.

6. Only 2 more days until I have baby chicks!!!! Yay!!! I can't wait.

7. Also only 2 more days until I can start using my clothesline. Well, maybe three. We're waiting on the cement to completely set so we can tie the lines. I have my clothespins and I'm ready to go! I'm hoping we'll see a significant difference in our power bill.

8. My mom came over yesterday and mowed the yard for me. She even did all the trim with the weed-eater. She came back later and helped put up my clothesline too. Crazy woman! But I'm very grateful because it frees us up to get other things done that have been put on hold because of all the rain.

That's about it, I guess. Busy, busy, busy. Scouts tonight, dentist appts. tomorrow, need to get things ready on Friday for Easter Sunday because we're going to the Strawberry Festival Saturday. I'll be too pooped to party Sat. evening to try to get everything done for Sun. Whew! I'm a little dizzy just thinking about it.