Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We're off and (almost) running!

For two of my four children, this past Monday was nothing new, but for my youngest son, it was the next milestone in his young life. . . . the first day of kindergarten!

He was excited, and then nervous, excited again, and then nervous right before we walked through the door. He did just fine, of course. He walked into his classroom with a little apprehension, but he didn't cry. Didn't even wave bye to me, the little traitor.

That's ok. There will be plenty of tears when the girl starts school. Oh, wait . . . that will be me crying, not her. Well, maybe her, too. We'll see.


I wish I had gotten a few more pictures of him, but we were running a little later than I would have liked. Don't forget to add  in the one-mile hike to get to the classrooms because we had to park way over in BFE.

But here's my little man. Awww, isn't he a cutie? See that half smile/grimace/fidgeting-thing-with-his-hands? That's the nervousness kicking in as he's about to go in his classroom.

Here's the whole crew just before we headed to school for our one-mile hike.

See? There's Matt's excited smile.

And Todd . . . I can't believe I have a 6th grader who's two inches taller than me and in the marching band this year. YIKES!

My Zack Attack is in 2nd grade. 2nd GRADE! And he has the same teacher that Todd had for 2nd grade. I know he'll have a great year.

And my little miss Laurie. We all thought she'd be lost without her 'brudders'. I figured she'd ask me where they were at least 10 times a day. But you know what? She hasn't asked. Not even once. I think she might be enjoying the quiet just as much as I am.

That's sibling love for you. ;o)

Monday, August 2, 2010

I's gettin' mah edumacation!


I married my high school sweetheart right after high school. One week after I graduated, to be exact. Well, more like 9 days. Yes, I'm a child bride.

Since my sweetheart was in the Navy, we moved up and down the east coast 4 times in 10 years and even visited the west coast once.

In there somewhere we had four children; Winken, Blinken, Nod, and Bo Peep.

After the military decided we were too good for them, we moved back home to the great state of Alabama. We've been back home for almost 6 years.

I've worked in fast food, department stores, daycare centers, catalog stores, dentist offices, had a home daycare, and even ran a newspaper route for a few years. 

Finally, after all that, I'm going to college.

I know, I know. I could've done this before I had children. I definitely had time and distractions were few with my sweetheart gone on deployments all the time.

But I am the Queen of Procrastination! Why do something now when you can put it off for 16 years?

I did the math (Math! College Math! YIKES!). I will finish my degree 20 years after I graduated high school.

Did I mention I'm the Queen of Procrastination? Yeeeaaah. That's probably not something I should brag about.