Friday, January 21, 2011

Our Mouse Has a New Pad

No, not a real mouse.

Todd had a hamster once, but that's as close as we'll get to having rodents for pets.

I'm talking about THIS mouse.

Doesn't he look cozy on his new pad?

We've needed a new mouse pad for quite a while now. I have a before shot of our Shrek mouse pad, but Blogger is being a total pain and won't let me post it. You'll just have to trust me when I say that Shrek and Donkey have seen better days.

I'd never thought about recovering a mouse pad. Heck, I didn't even know you could do that. But when I saw the tutorial I thought, "I CAN DO THAT!!!"

This is my kinda craft. 

Is it perfect? NO.

Does it serve its purpose? YES.

Did the kids think it was super cool and now one of them wants me to make him a quilt with the 'frogger's adventures' fabric? YES.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL....I don't have to trust you on how the pad looks because you have enough pictures on there to prove it. :0P