Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ketchup . . . Katsup . . . Catsup . . . Catch-Up!

Again. My name is Miranda, and I am a slacker.

Since I can't think of a good reason for neglecting my blog, I'll just get right to it.

The catching up part I mean.

So, after the big buns came the month of February. We celebrated my hubby's birthday, my mom's birthday, my hubby's parents' birthdays, and their anniversary. WHEW!

And if that wasn't enough, March rolled around, and we celebrated all three of my boys' birthdays, baptized one, and ordained another to the Aaronic priesthood.

Next thing we knew, Spring sprung, or is it sprang? I don't know. All I do know is, baseball season started . . . .

. . . which meant we spent four nights a week at the ball park. Yippee. Woohoo.

Actually, it wasn't too bad. Neither of my boys made All-Stars, and you know what? I'm over-joyed! Matt's season is done . . . finito . . . terminado . . .finished! Hallelujah! Zack has just two games left, so I'll hold off on doing the happy dance a little while longer.

Oh, yeah, I've also had a birthday. I'm now the big THREE-FIVE! Is it time for me to have a mid-life crisis? Does anyone know? I want to be ready just in case.

At the end of April my niece, sister-in-law, and I participated in a craft festival in a neighboring town. I worked my hind parts off making bows, and my niece made tutus, bow holders, and wreaths. We didn't do very well . . . . AT ALL. We didn't sell a single solitary thing. Aaaannnnnnndddd . . . . . it didn't help that we were next door to a 'professional' bow vendor. It clearly was NOT her first rodeo. We felt very insignificant.

Two weeks later we decided to give the vendor thing another try, so we set up a booth at our local Cotton Patch festival. JACKPOT! Ok, not really, but we did much, MUCH better. Our booth won 3rd place for best vendor!

Alrighty, May is here . . . . the end of May . . . . really? It's already May? Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted anything in 5 months. I also can't believe the year is almost half gone! Ok, moving on. We're done with school. DONE! FINISHED!


I'm just a teensy bit excited.

No more uniforms, no more homework, no more field trips, no more buying snacks/drinks only to have to buy them again because the girl got into them, no more dollar-ing me to death for jeans days, raffle tickets, movie days, face-paintings, t-shirt orders, book orders, etc. No more worrying if I'm gonna get a phone call from school because my child stood up to a bully, but is taking the brunt of the punishment.

Yep, I'm just a little excited. But we're not done with May just yet . . .

We'll go to graduation tomorrow night because the band is playing and my drummer boy has to be there. We'll also get to see Miss Amy graduate before she runs off to BYU.

We still have two baseball games and an end-of-season party to attend. And THEN we'll be done with May.

June---well, even though it's not here quite yet, it will be a busy month, too. Truthfully, the whole summer will be busy, and before we know it, it will be gone, and it will be time to gear back up for a new school year.

That means I'll have a 1st grader (*sniff*), a 3rd grader (*sniff, sniff*), and a 7th grader (*WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!*).  I don't want to think about it right now.

I'm going to enjoy the summer instead----camping, trips to the creek, 4th of July fun, maybe a trip to the zoo, more trips to the creek.

Oh, and I have a BIG date with my hubby coming up in July. I've been waiting for it for a whole year. We're going to Montgomery to see 'Menopause: The Musical'!

Yeah, buddy!

I'm just a teensy bit excited about that, too.

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