Sunday, July 11, 2010

Figs, figs, everywhere there's figs!

I've been trying to get my Martha on, but let's face it, I'm no Martha.

If I were I'd have a whole staff of people to do everything for me, especially the tedious-less-than-fun stuff.

Ok, enough complaining.

Figs. Right.

I love figs. Not as much as I love chocolate, but they're pretty darn tasty. When I think of figs I automatically think of Grandma Gregson's fig preserves. There's just nothing else like it.

So, when my mom asked me if I wanted some for canning, my immediate response was yes, not realizing how long, tedious, and HOT the process was going to be.

Washing the figs.

Cooking the figs.

Cooling the figs . . .  for 6 HOURS!

All the lids sealed! Woohoo!

For the record, there were several steps left undocumented. Remember, I said tedious? Yeah. More like pain in the butt and too complicated for my non-Martha self.
But, they're done, thanks to the help of my one and only staff member, my hubby. 

I think if we ever attempt this again we'll go with the method my grandma used and Ian's mom used. It might not have taken us 10 HOURS to finish if we had used their method.

Lesson learned:  Trust in the old ways, young one. Moms and grandma's know best.

1 comment:

Sharde(Shar-day) said...

Saw this post and it reminded me of my late grandmother's fig preserve. I never watched her make it but looking at those jaws filled with fig goodness brings back memories.