Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quiz Time!

Here's another quiz I found over on Kimberly's Korner . I like quizzes. They're fun and cause me to think about something other than cleaning, cooking, or wiping a bum.

Here we go!

1.If you had $5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?
I'd have the boobs reduced and a tummy tuck. But, I'd have to lose some major weight first for the tummy tuck to look good. Maybe I'll just throw in some lypo in there too and forget the losing weight part, but then that might put me over my $5000 limit. Ok, shutting up now. Moving on.

2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?
I don't watch them. I weaned myself off of those YEARS ago. (Wow, that makes me sound old.)

3. Favorite clothing brand?
Favorite clothing brand? I know there are other brands out there besides Faded Glory and Cato's Fashion, but nothing else fits my pocket book. Or, my butt.

4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid service for a year?
I have to choose just one? I would have to choose maid service and save the shopping spree for after I have my lypo and boob reduction.

5. Would you ever vajazzle?
I don't even know what the heck that is. And probably don't want to know.

6. Favorite Disney Princess?

7. Last movie that made you bawl your eyes out?
I can't think of one. But I did tear up over an Anita Renfroe song the other day. Boy are my hormones out of whack or what?!

8. Have you ever broken any bones and if so what?
I fractured my wrist when I was two. Does that count?

Ok, your turn! Who wants to give it a go?

P.S. I googled vajazzling. I really DIDN'T want to know. And my answer would be no. Not no way, not no how.


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

I love quizes! And I'm thinking your answer on the clothing brands is awe.some. That is sooo me.

So I should NOT google vajazzle?

Oh wait. .. the "va" part has me scared.

Miranda said...

Yes, Mandi, be very scared of the 'va' part. Ever heard of bedazzling? I'll leave it at that.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Miranda. You have some fun stuff on here. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

LOL...I didn't have to Google anything because unfortunately I happen to catch Jennifer Love Hewitt talking about it on a talk show. SOOOOOO don't think so. :0P