Monday, August 2, 2010

I's gettin' mah edumacation!


I married my high school sweetheart right after high school. One week after I graduated, to be exact. Well, more like 9 days. Yes, I'm a child bride.

Since my sweetheart was in the Navy, we moved up and down the east coast 4 times in 10 years and even visited the west coast once.

In there somewhere we had four children; Winken, Blinken, Nod, and Bo Peep.

After the military decided we were too good for them, we moved back home to the great state of Alabama. We've been back home for almost 6 years.

I've worked in fast food, department stores, daycare centers, catalog stores, dentist offices, had a home daycare, and even ran a newspaper route for a few years. 

Finally, after all that, I'm going to college.

I know, I know. I could've done this before I had children. I definitely had time and distractions were few with my sweetheart gone on deployments all the time.

But I am the Queen of Procrastination! Why do something now when you can put it off for 16 years?

I did the math (Math! College Math! YIKES!). I will finish my degree 20 years after I graduated high school.

Did I mention I'm the Queen of Procrastination? Yeeeaaah. That's probably not something I should brag about. 


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

You go girl! Whatcha getting your degree in?? I wanna know!

Misty said...

It is so nice to know we can comiserate on this whole thing! Hurray for us.

Miranda said...

Thanks, ladies! Mandi, I will be an elementary teacher when I grow up. :o)