Friday, October 15, 2010

Grown Up At Last

Every Friday Zack brings home a paper with four to five questions. He has to write out the answers in complete sentences. I think the purpose of the exercise is to teach the kids to begin each sentence with a capital letter and end with a period.

Ok, scratch that. I just read at the bottom of the worksheet in teeny tiny letters 'Learning to Write Paragraphs'.

So I wasn't completely wrong.

I love reading his answers because it helps me to know my child a little better. 

This one is titled "Grown Up At Last". I've typed his answers exactly the way he wrote them.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I want to be a polic oficer when I grow up.

Q: Where do you want to work?
A: I will work at the shereiffs apartment.

Q: Where do you want to live?
A: I want to live in Atlanta.

Q: What is a bad thing about being grown up?
A: A bad thing about being grown up is geting people to hush.

Q: What the best thing about being grown up?
A: The best thing about being grown up is living in Atlanta.

Just last week he told me he wanted to play college football and be a football and baseball coach. You don't think his dad working for the 'shereiffs apartment' has anything to do with his current ambition?

As for 'geting people to hush' . . . . yeah, I guess that's a pretty tough part about being a grown-up. Especially when it's little people you're trying to get to hush. They usually don't listen very well. Not at my house anyway.

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