Friday, October 15, 2010

They say laughter is good for the soul . . .

If that's the case then my soul ought to be in pretty good shape today.

Too bad I can't say the same for my body. Oh, well . . . .


If your soul needs a workout, keep reading.

This morning Lauren insisted she was riding her tricycle to maw maw's house to have a sleepover.

Here's the rest of that conversation.

Matt: "Mom, do you have a bicycle?"

Me: "No, honey."

Matt: "Yes, you do. You have a purple one."

Me: "No, that's daddy's bike. It has been a very long time since mommy's had a bike."

Lauren: "You a crazy driver?"

(Hmmm . . . that might explain it.)

Just before that conversation happened, Lauren came out of her room dressed in her nightgown, socks, and one shoe on. Remember, she was planning to ride her tricycle to maw maw's house?

Ian: "Hey, Princess Abubu, I love your outfit."

Me: "But she's so stinkin' cute!"

Lauren: "Yeah, I am stinky."
(I was sure she was gonna say, "yeah, I am cute.")

Lauren wanted to hold Spike's leash on the way home from the vet.

He wasn't staying where she wanted him to, so she gave it to him straight . . . . "Get back here, you dumb@ss."

This isn't the first time she's said this, and I've had a (several) little talk with her about not saying that word.

Apparently I haven't gotten through. (Thanks, dad!)

Later on today . . . .

Lauren was using the potty. She always calls me or dad to help her get toilet paper. She wanted to clean herself, so I left her to take care of business on her own.

It wasn't long when she called me back to help her. It figures.

As I'm getting the tissue ready for wiping her bum, she looked down into the potty and said, "Mom, look. It's a poop clue."

Me: "It is? Ok, honey."

Lauren: "Are you gonna hide it?"

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