Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week in Review

Started class again. Since my brain is too old to juggle two classes at one time, and life ran me over more than once during last semester, I dropped both of my classes and started over. I'm now taking just one class at a time. I decided to retake English 101 . . . .  the class I absolutely hated. What was I thinking? I'm a glutton for punishment. At the rate I'm going I might finish my degree by the time my youngest child is a senior.
Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned because the HIPPY lady(Ms. Cindy) was coming. She came, she left, and I didn't clean anymore for the rest of the week.
Ok, I might've cleaned a little bit on this day. That was about it.
Errand day. Bank, Walmart, bills, bills, bills, lunch, bills, Walmart again.
Football! Drove 2 hours to watch Blacksher(our team) get their butts stomped by Millry(the enemy). Ok, lets be real. I don't watch football. I went to watch my eldest son perform with the marching band. If football games were determined by how well the band did, then we beat them hands down.

*Highlights - Millry had more concessions than a county fair. Funnel cakes, snow cones, homemade pixie sticks, homemade fried pork skins, strawberry lemonade . . . I'll stop there.

*Funniest moment - Ian getting pulled over on the way home for his 'serious' driving. He was a little tired and was swerving more than we realized. We only had a couple more miles before we reached the gas station (we're in the boonies here) so I could take over driving. The nice officer let us go ahead and switch and we were on our merry way without a ticket. Thank goodness!
Grocery shopped with the whole family. That's right, all 6 of us. I don't do this often because I'm always reminded never to take them all to the store again. It wasn't too bad. I divided up the list and sent 2 kids with Ian and 2 came with me. We even bought groceries for the whole week for less than $100! That never happens. Woot! Later, we took Ian to work and #2, #3, and I went back to Walmart for haircuts. (Walmart is my 2nd home.) Mine took a little longer than I would have liked. When I was finally done, Matt said, "Mom, you took so long that my hair grew back in!" As a reward for being so good, I took them to McDonald's for supper . . . without Ian. I told you I was a glutton for punishment. (Actually, they did REALLY well. I was a proud mom.)
Is yet to be determined. I should be watching General Conference. I'm such a terrible example in that area. I'm a terrible example in a lot of areas, apparently. I need a shower. I need to clean. I need to eat breakfast. Oh, well, at least the kids and the animals have been fed and watered.

P.S. It's a beautiful Fall day!!! There's a lovely autumn breeze and a crispness in the air. I love it! Makes me wish I had some hot apple cider brewing on my stove.

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