Saturday, September 11, 2010

Crisis Avoided . . . .

  . . . . I think.

So, you know how you have one of those super crazy weeks? You know, the kind that you try to prepare for because you have everything written down on the calendar, but you can never quite be prepared for?

I had one of those weeks this past week.

Monday - a pretty easy day. House was still clean from the weekend and laundry wasn't a booger.

Tuesday - HIPPY lady came for Lauren's first visit. Just in case you don't know what HIPPY is, it's a free, home preschool program for ages 3-5. I also had my first violin lesson that afternoon and the 2nd grade homecoming float meeting (didn't go to that one).

Wednesday - (Here's where it gets really good!) Zack's dentist appointment that morning,which is about an hour and 15 min. drive one way. Then, back home to pick up my other two from the grandparents' house and start supper(it was a long appt.). Todd had his sleep study starting on this night so I picked up Ian from work(he left his patrol car parked at the jail), came home and ate supper, then left again to take Ian and Todd to the hospital. Just before we walked out the door we discovered our hot water heater had a leak. Ian turned off the water; thankfully the kids already had their baths. I called my mom to let her know I'd be coming to her house the next morning to shower. When I came back home, my sister and her hubby were here checking the hot water heater for me. Turned out to be an easy, inexpensive fix, but one that had to wait until the next day because we live in podunkville. Needless to say it was a late night. Oh, yeah, I was supposed to have a kindergarten float meeting that evening, but I didn't make it to that one either.

Thursday - Took off to my parents' house first thing to get a quick shower, put the boys on the bus, and headed up to the hospital to trade off with Ian and stay with Todd for his day-time sleep study. When they say to be prepared to stay till 5:00, they're serious. We were there ALL.STINKING.DAY. Finally got out of there and headed back home to the grandparents' house again to pick up the other 3 kiddos. Hot water heater was fixed! Woohoo! Thank you, Chris!

Friday - Back to normal, or so I thought. My poor brain was still trying to recover from the crazy week and I had a caffeine withdrawal headache coming on. It was not a good day. Some genius cut a fiber optic cable which took out all DSL and cell phones in our area. My parents signed up to tow the band instrument trailer for that night's away football game and, as luck would have it, they were stuck in Pensacola at my dad's doctor appointment and would be back in time to tow the trailer. Their cell phone worked, but they couldn't get through to my house phone. They were finally able to reach Ian on his Linc phone in enough time for me to call the band director, BUT Todd's band shoes were locked up in my dad's truck(at their house, thankfully) with no spare key to get in. My mom put them in there so they wouldn't forget to take them to him when they went to pick up the trailer. UUGGGHHHH!!!!! My brother-in-law was able to jimmy open the back window and get Todd's shoes out. Thank you again, Chris!

Saturday - Slept late and it felt SO good. I survived the week, but my house did not. I have a laundry mountain the size of Mt. Trashmore and I still have to clean up the towels from the leaky hot water heater. I guess tonight will be a late night of cleaning after the kids go to bed.

Oh, and school? You mean I was supposed to do school work in there somewhere? Yeah, right. I think school just flew out the window. And I don't think she's coming back either.

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