Saturday, September 11, 2010

I've Met My Match

I've had many a few not-so-proud mommy moments. In these moments, I'm usually stressed to the max and I do something really dumb . . . . . like throw toss a plastic Little Tykes chair.

You know those fat-legged yellow ones?

Yeah, these right here. Those would be the ones.

Of course the chair can't just bounce off a piece of furniture. It has to hit the wall.

For the record, and before anyone starts dialing DCS, I wasn't trying to hit the wall OR anything else, for that matter.

I was just ticked with the mess the girl made in the recently cleaned room. Don't you ever get tired of cleaning the same messes over and over and OVER AND OVER?!?!

Anywho, back to my story.

So, the mess was made and I became upset and tossed the chair, which left a chair leg-sized indention in the wall. The next day she made more messes in her room and managed to break a small mirror and a picture frame I had standing against the wall in the hallway.

Later that evening, I had to run up to my parents' house really quickly for something (I can't remember what). I was planning to go alone, but when the girl saw that I was about to leave, she started having a hissy fit to go with me.

I calmly said to her, "Tell me why I should let you go with me? You messed up your room again, pulled stuff out of your closet, broke my mirror and my picture frame. Why should I let you go when you've done all these things?"

Her reply, "You broke my wall."

She said this very innocently while making this gesture .  -------------->

All I could say was, "Fair enough."

FYI: I ask my other kids this same question when they want me to do something for them or if they want to go with me somewhere and it's been a rough day.

None of them have ever given me a good reason . . . . until now.

1 comment:

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Dude. That is a story! That is so something I would do. Wait-- I'm sure if I think long enough I can think of a few worse things I've done. :)