Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I don't always remember to write down the funny things my kids say. I try, but my brain can only remember so much. It's pretty full as it is and, let's be honest, it's not as young as it once was.

So, before I forget, and before my brain fills up with other things I have to try to remember, here are a few funnies my two youngest kidlets said today.

Lauren --- Apparently she was watching TV before the brothers came home from school. She didn't appreciate the oldest brother turning it from her show. "Mommy, Todd turned it from my Dora moobie(movie). He watching Abbatar(Avatar)."

Matt --- He was helping Lauren with her 'schoolwork' this evening. In response to one of the activities she was supposed to do, he said, "Mom, I have a hypopesis!" (hypothesis) That's an awfully big word for a 5 y.o. I asked him where he heard about hypothesis. He said, "From Dinosaur Train!"

See? TV isn't all bad.

Another one from Lauren --- Zack was using the bathroom. I guess she needed to go and he was taking too long. She came tattling to me, "Mommy, Zack is pooping in my baffroom!"

Pardon me, but isn't that what the bathroom is for? And when did it become her bathroom?

Now, these may not be funny to some people. . . or most people . . . . or anyone other than the person who birthed these two little punks (ME!), but they gave me a good laugh today. And that's all that counts in my book.

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