Friday, June 4, 2010

Flashback Friday

I was looking through my photo albums on Facebook and came across these two pictures. Wow, how time flies!

This was almost 3 years ago, not long after Lauren was born. I think she's probably 2-3 months old. I'm judging by her dress(a $5 steal at the walmarts!), which is newborn size. I know this because I just gave it away. Nah, I don't have a problem hanging on to things.

This was Easter of this year. Look at where everyone is sitting. Matt almost has the same smile and Lauren is looking off in the same direction. Deja vu! And, do we like plaid shirts at our house or what?

1 comment:

Charity said...

Cute pictures. They're in the same seating order and everything! We must love's in our genes. :)