Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Zack's Last Day of 1st Grade

The school year has finally come to a close.

Or maybe it has gone by too fast.

I think most moms probably have that love-hate relationship with the school year.

And, of course, the summer will go by way too fast, but at the same time we'll be so ready to kick them out the door again. Right? I get to kick THREE out this next school year! Muwahahahaha!

I don't have any pics of Todd's last day because he didn't want me to go on his class's end-of-year party/field trip. That's ok. I know my soon-to-be 6th grader needs his independence.

Zack, on the other hand, wants me at every field trip and class party and gets quite upset if I don't come.

So, on to Zack's end-of-the-year class party. I took Matt with me because I promised to take him to Fun Day, but I was sick that day and we didn't get to go. 

Matt was being a little shy at first, but fit right in after a few minutes.

Checking out their goody bags and waiting to chow down.

Ready for some water play.

A rain dance?

It worked!

So it's artificial rain. But it worked!

Zack was a leprechaun in a former life.
(That's the only explanation for this little skip thing he does.)

I guess that would make Matt an airplane.

There's always room for popsicles! I honestly don't know how they could eat anything else.

Hey, bro, where's mine?

Thanks for a great year, Mrs. Baggett! We'll miss you!

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