Sunday, June 27, 2010

Miss Laurie Lou is 3!

My sweet pea is 3.

When did this happen? (About a week ago.)

Yes, that's true, but WHEN did this happen?

Where did my baby girl go?

She's still a little peamite and my baby girl, but she's potty-trained. She names her baby dolls. She loves shoes. She has pierced ears, which she asked for, and she has a sense of humor. She loves Dora, Minnie Mouse, and animals.

She can also hold her own with her brothers when needed.

It's usually needed quite often.

How can so much personality be rolled into one little person?

Moving on to the birthday party.

We had a simple family party. We grilled burgers and dogs and let the kids play in the pool. Ian got his Martha on and made pink, purple, and orange (Dora colors!) layered cupcakes with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting. The frosting didn't turn out as planned, but it wasn't bad. *Lesson learned: Follow directions. They're there for a reason.*

Opening presents with help from big brother.

Showing off her loot. A princess crown and jewelry from Granny.

I finally made her tutu that I planned to make last Christmas. Better late than never, right?

Check out the ensemble she put together before she left for maw maw's house. The tutu, Dora sandals from Granny, purple socks for gloves, and her winter hat. BEE-U-TI-FUL!!!

I almost forgot the cake part. This was after lighting the candle the second time. She was a little excited and blew out the candle before we could sing to her. (I just realized I didn't put 3 candles on her cake. Oh, well. Blame crazy mom syndrome.)

Yay!!! She got it on the 1st try . . . again.

The girl loves chocolate. What can I say? She gets it honestly.

She also scored a new swimsuit from dad and a new beach towel from her brothers. Maw Maw and Paw Paw gave her her very first fishing pole. It was a pink Dora fishing Pole. Did I mention this was Dora party? Anywho, she proudly tested out her pole yesterday when we took the kids fishing. 

And you know what? Those little rubber fish that come with the pole for casting practice really hurt when you get whacked in the head with them while you're trying to drive to the fishing hole.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is too cute in her tutu with her gloves & had. She wore it up until we put on our swim suits to go swimming. I think she likes it. :0)